Podiatry Place Ltd.

A step in the right direction

What we can help with

Nail and skin conditions

General podiatry is the area of podiatric medicine that addresses the health of your skin and nails. Maintaining good foot health will help prevent unnecessary complications. 

At Podiatry Place we can assist you with treatment of a full range of skin and nail conditions such as ingrown and deformed nails, corns, calluses, cracked skin, fungal nails and skin infections, bacterial infections, blisters and warts.



People with Diabetes require specialist foot care and prevention of diabetic related foot complications. A diabetic foot assessment will provide you with advice that helps you maintain the health of your feet. People with diabetes need to understand the complexities of their feet to minimise complications caused by poor blood supply and nerve damage.

A diabetic foot assessment is an annual check-up after which a report is sent to your doctor regarding your foot health status.

An assessment may involve treatment, medical history, visual assessment, vascular assessment, neurological assessment, footwear assessment and/or biomechanical assessment.


People of all ages with a variety of foot and lower leg problems wear orthotics. Anyone suffering from a chronic foot or lower limb condition that is limiting their mobility or independence may benefit from wearing orthotics.

At Podiatry Place we can prescribe an individually tailored orthotic to address your pain, biomechanical issues, activities, and footwear needs.

Orthotics are only one component in the complex care of biomechanical issues. We will address your injury or deformity, footwear options, lifestyle changes, and any additional treatment that may be required to address your pain and or deformity. Our goal is to help you take a step in the right direction to become pain free.

What we offer:

  • Off the shelf orthotics – to help support and realign minor foot aliments.
  • Semi customised orthotics – a prefabricated orthotic which is customised for your foot care needs.
  • Custom made orthotics – made from a 3D scan of your feet and designed to modify and support the most complex of foot conditions.
Podiatry Place also offers sport orthotics, women’s slim fit orthotics, work orthotics, children’s orthotics, orthotics for specific conditions such as diabetes and arthritis.

Senior care

As we age our feet are susceptible to problems and it becomes harder for individuals to care for their own feet. 

With poor eyesight, flexibility, muscle tone, skin health, circulation, difficulty walking and arthritic changes to your feet such as bunions and fallen arches the ability to maintain good foot health diminishes.

At Podiatry Place we treat and manage your foot health, relieve pain and maintain function to keep you active and on your feet.

Children's podiatry

Podopaediatrics is the area of podiatric medicine that addresses children and their growing feet. At Podiatry Place we know how important it is for feet to develop correctly.

We can provide the right advice and the best management for your child’s growing feet. Through assessment and diagnosis, stretching, footwear and activity advice, orthotics and referral if necessary.

Consider an appointment to see the our podiatrist if your child has:

  • Ingrown nails or skin problems including warts.
  • Webtoes, overlapping toes, flat feet, club foot, knock knees or is bow legged.
  • Difficulty walking, walks on their toes, is pigeon toed, trips a lot.
  • You notice uneven shoe wear, or your child does not like to wear shoes.
  • Your child complains of recurrent pain in their feet, legs, ankles, shins, knees, and toes which increases with activity.
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Down syndrome, Diabetes, Club foot, Osgood Schlatter’s disease.

Pain, Performance, Injury & Deformity

When we stand, walk, or run our body must compensate for poor alignment, muscle weakness and tightness and joint and bone issues. Over time, this puts strain on our body and can lead to injury, poor performance, long recovery times and pain.

At Podiatry Place we will assess for changes in your posture and function which provides important information to assist us in diagnosing the underlying cause of your lower limb and foot pain. 

A Biomechanical Assessment looks at the way your body works when you move. It is also used to optimise your walking and running style to help prevent future injuries occurring. A Biomechanical Assessment includes a non-weight bearing assessment and an assessment of your walking and running style. 

It provides us with the tools to: 

  • Diagnose and treat the cause of pain.
  • Improve performance.
  • Prescribe exercises, individually designed programs, footwear, and orthotics.

At Podiatry Place we know that orthotics and/or other treatment modalities to retrain and strengthen the muscles of the your feet and legs helps reduce the risk of injury and improve recovery time, to assist you in returning to work and sports.

Have an enquiry?

Business hours

Monday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

Where to find us

We are located at
20 Harley Street, Nelson

Give us a call:
(03) 927 6686

Send us an email: podiatryplace@outlook.com